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Blank Wine Bottle Labels

DIY blank labels to print on for wine bottles


Wine labels---and the art of designing them---is an entire subject of its own! Having a well done Wine Label can make your bottle look that much more appealing than the next. manufactures and sells quality blank labels on sheets designed specifically for wine bottles, which you can then print out easily (whether at home or the office) with either your laser or inkjet printers! These labels are available to you in many different sizes that you can use to label your own unique wine bottles. Labels to match all wine bottle sizes are available on our site, including: Oval shaped, Square and Rectangular.


Our DIY printable laser and inkjet wine labels are perfect for your wedding, as well as for any other functions which you might be having. Personalizing your wine bottle labels is made easy when using our own Wine Bottle Label Templates! Each label size has a corresponding Template which can be downloaded for free. After selecting your Template, you can then start creating your own Wine Bottle Labels! For pre-designed Templates, you might want to check out our pre-designed Template Gallery and peruse for designs you might like.


For custom printed wine bottles please visit®



How to Create and Design Wine Labels with Illustrator 
Use Waterproof materials if your wine bottle will be submerged in ice or water.



  -  Resources, Laws and Regulations


  - How to Remove Labels from Bottles


  - What Should Be on a Wine label


  - Choose the Right Sized Label


  - Explore Wine Bottle Label Designs on Pinterest


  - How to Read a Wine Label


Need a little help selecting a label size for your: Large (Magnum) 1.5L Wine Bottles, Regular 750ml Wine Bottles and Small (Half) 375ml Wine glass bottles, please visit our wine label size selector page


Shop Common Size Labels for Wine Bottles


Medium Wine Bottle Labels

WL-8250 Laser - Inkjet

2" x 5"
8 labels per sheet

WL-550 Multipurpose Label

4.25" x 2.75"
8 labels per sheet

WL-150 Shipping Label

4" x 3.33"
6 labels per sheet


Large Tall Bottles

WL-475 Shipping Labels

4" x 5"
4 labels per sheet

WL-5925 Water Bottle Labels

7" x 3"
3 labels per sheet

WL-150 Shipping Label

4" x 3.33"
6 labels per sheet


Large Wide Bottles

WL-6675 Bottle label

5" x 3"
3 labels per sheet

WL-450 Multipurpose Label

4.25" x 5.5"
4 labels per sheet