Viewable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Template can be used in graphic programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Quark Express, and several others. If you plan to print out the template you need to uncheck "fit to page" in the print options or the image will be smaller than actual size.
Download this TemplateDimensions & Info
Size: 6.78" x 4.75"
Labels per sheet: 2
Same size as**:
Intended use:
Margins: Top 0.375", Bottom 0.375", Left 0.625", Right 1.095"
1) Read lots of tutorials on using blank Word label templates in our Knowledge Base
2) Please read your printer manual and make the correct changes to your printer settings before printing your desired information on sheets of labels.
3) Please print on a plain paper first and trace over labels to make sure the labels are aligned well.
4) Store all labels flat and away from heat and sunlight!
Buying brand name labels like Avery, Staples or Uline? We ship direct from the factory and will save you tons! Would you like to test our labels first? We would be happy to send you samples to test.
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